Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Me + Dance = Stable!!!!

So today was my first day back in dance after nearly 4 months.... Twas a long crazy summer and it was honestly the best and worst summer of my life seeing as how my summers normally just include renting movies by myself and not being in contact with another human being for months on end.... At least this one was eventful, even if they were horrible. lol I learned ALOT and gave up even more, faught to let go of the past and see a brighter future which after being in dance i realized its the only thing i want to do with my life and nothing and noone will ever come between me and my dream again. I may not be the best dancer now, but i promise myself right now that by the end of the year i will be the best i could be weither or not i started dancing at the age of 4 or 18. And i'm letting go of everything shitty the past year and remembering the good times because i deserve good memories. Here's to a fresh start, new beginnings, and hopefully a new be for the better from here on out.

I Uploaded this video just because i love this song and i find it kinda inspirational.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bad Haircut! And then some... period

My hair looks like shit.... period

I've alienated all my friends... period

I hate my jobs that don't give me enough money... period

People wanna fuck me but not date me... period

I'll never be anyones number one.... period

I'll never be even close to an alright of a dancer... period

I have a bad digestive system... period

Something best not mentioned... period

I'm having crazy mood swings.... period

I'm starving and theres nothing in the house to make that won't give me the runs during work tomorrow... period

Everyone thinks i'm crazy... period

I probably am crazy... period

My dick hurts to get hard and i barely feel any sensation, never really have... period

I want someone who i'm attracted to physically and mentally not just one or the other.... period

I want someone who i'm attracted to physically and mentally to want to be with me... period

Being single sucks... period

I'm a virgin... period

I have no friends... period

I never get out of this house... period

I can't do anything right... period

Like anyone who reads this will give a shit... period

I'm in a swallow a bottle of pills mood... period

Everyone who i start seeing ends up fucking someone else while still seeing me... period

I'm on my man period... period

FML... period


I love Lady Gaga.... Period